
First Steps Service Offering

The first one thousand days in a child’s life hold the key to unlocking their lifelong potential.

By the age of 5 almost 90% of a child’s brain will be developed. Early child development is an investment in the strengthening of South Africa’s social and economic future.




80% of ECD Centres in South Africa are still not compliant

and therefore not able to provide safe and stimulating learning environments for our children.

Research shows that out of the six million children between the age of 0 and 5 years old, only 800 000 are in registered Early Childhood Development Centres.


That means that 5 200 000 children are not in a position to succeed.


Government explicitly recognizes the importance of Early Child Development.

National policy aims to create equal access to compliant and registered  ECD facilities for all South Africa’s children.


By the end of 2019, ECD centres that are not compliant are under threat to be shut down.


This will have devastating consequences.


Most ECD teachers are unable to access or adhere

“Where will I go?

 Where will I get those templates?

I don’t have transport money!

Printing posters is expensive!

How will I know it is the right form?

Compliance is complicated!


However this process is set out to protect the welfare of South Africa’s children, so each and every step taken towards compliance is vital.

The newly developed ECD compliance toolkit is the First Step to solve this problem. It is easy to use and empowers ECD Centre Business owners to move swiftly forward, tracking and enabling their progress towards compliance.


Teachers are empowered to create environments where learners are healthy, safe, engaged supported and challenged.


2 workshop days can be arranged to encourage sustainability as well as be incorporated into NQF levels of ECD training.

The ECD compliance toolkit will make a positive impact on our communities and take businesses to the next level.


Time is running out!


Make an immeasurable difference to the lives of millions of children.

Your investment is in women, children and communities


Your investment is in the future

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